Poker Face Benefits

Poker Face Benefits Average ratng: 3,5/5 6933 reviews

. An understanding of probability and risk. An ability to make decisions under pressure. A talent for understanding what other people are thinking, both from their explicit behaviour and from more subtle signals like body language. A useful le. A smooth stone or metal surface rolls over the contours of your face to provide an array of supposed benefits—from reducing puffiness and tightening skin to diminishing the look of wrinkles. Jul 03, 2018 Benefits of a Good Poker Face Outside Poker Somewhere in Canada, they found out that blank expression aka poker face is making you look younger. And that’s when we all thought that wearing a smile will make us appear younger than we really are. Poker Face Italia. 138 likes 22 talking about this. #POKERFACEITALIA #POKERFACE - Iscriviti nei canali POKER FACE ITALIA.

You’re sitting up straight, watching your body language and answering every question with gusto and straight confidence. You did you research on the company and know as much as you possibly could about the business they conduct and the kind of employees they want working in their company. You demonstrated through your past experiences that you are a perfect fit for this position. You even felt like you built great rapport with the interviewer. At least you thought you did, but after you sent along your “thank you” letter they never got back to you. You sent one last email to check-in but realized you didn’t get the job. This happens so many times with job interviews. You think they went well and you were positive they liked you, but you never hear back from them. Talk about a good poker face.

Interviews can be like this. In fact, it happens often. So how can you tell if the interview actually went well or if the interview is just really good at making you think you’re an awesome and great candidate? Well, some interviewers are really skilled at hiding how they truly feel about you as a candidate, but there are a few signs that can point to a good interview. However, even if you experience some of these “good interview” signs, it’s never a shoo in. No matter what, you have to play the waiting game at least for a bit after your interview. If you just can’t wait though and you want to be able to tell if the interview was at least OK, then take a look at some of the signs of a good interview below.

Length of Interview
If your interview with the employer lasts longer than the scheduled time or time-allotted, then you’re probably on the right track. If an interviewer doesn’t think you’re a good match from the get-go they will try to push through the interview and get you out of there as soon as possible. After all, if they know you’re not going to work out then why waste time when they have tons of other candidates to plow through? On the other hand, the interview may have lasted for an hour but you still didn’t hear back from them afterwards. This happened to me once and I was sure I nailed the interview. I was in the office there with the interviewer for over an hour and met the CEO as well. I walked out feeling great, but then never heard back from them. It’s just another example of how deceiving and confusing interviewing can really be.

Introduces You to Others
If an interviewer really likes you, they may want to show you around the office and introduce you to the other workers in the department. If they weren’t interested in you at all, then they wouldn’t think of introducing you to others. What would be the point? Showing you around and introducing you to others shows that they are interested in what you have to offer and they want to give you some more insight into the company and the culture.

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Takes Time to Answer
In every interview there is time for you to ask your questions. If the interviewer doesn’t ever ask you if you have any questions then it can mean two things. 1. they are definitely not interested and don’t care about what you have to ask or 2. you don’t want to work for this company because every interviewer should give the interviewee time to ask questions. When the interviewer takes the time to thoroughly answer all of the questions you have for them, it’s a great sign. They are taking this time because they really want you to have a good understanding of the job and the company. They want to sell you on the idea that this is a great place to work. That leads us to the next sign.

Sells the Position
If you are getting the sense that the interviewer is selling the position to you and trying to make you see how great it is, then it’s likely a sign that this person really wants you to work for them. They will talk a lot about the advantages of the job and the culture that they think you would enjoy as part of their company. If they want you, they want you to take this job and not one from a different employer.

If the interviewer is interested in your timeline and wants to know when you would be able to start, then it’s likely they really want to bring you on as part of their team and are trying to see when they could expect you. When they ask about your timeline, they want to be sure that another employer doesn’t scoop you up first. By the same token, if the interviewer liked you as a candidate then they will be very clear as to what will come next. If they expect to call you in a day or two, they will tell you. If they aren’t so sure about you then they will be more vague about what comes next.


If they ask you what your salary requirements are in the first interview they either want to get right to the point because they want to hire you or they want all of their candidates to know what to expect from the get-go- which is nice. Salary is usually saved for the second interview or towards the end of the first if it is going well, so it’s usually a good sign if the interviewer brings it up to you right away.

If the interviewer asks for your references during the interview, they are likely interested. They want to learn as much as they can about you before they make their decision. If they weren’t interested at all, why bother trying to contact your references. If you hear from your references that someone contacted them about you, then that’s a great sign.

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These are all signs of a good interview, but remember they aren’t concrete. You can experience these interview signs and still never hear back from the employer. However, some of these are definite signs that the employer is highly interested in you. Keep your confidence and remember to always be fully prepared for anything. Good luck!

IMAGE: Courtesy of Midget Man of Steel Blog

We all play poker for different reasons – some play to develop their skills and others play for the thrill of holding a winning hand. What most people don’t realise is that while you are playing, either for fun or to improve your game, you are exercising your mind. These are some of the ways that the world’s favourite card game trains your brain.

Poker Face Benefits Without

Poker Face Benefits

Keeping Your Mind Active

Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world and requires skill, strategic thinking, dedication and lots of practice to master. A single game can be incredibly demanding on your mind, often requiring intense focus and concentration for extended periods of time. It’s also a bit of a numbers and stats game, so people who play often find that they become more proficient with their mental arithmetic – which can certainly help in everyday life.


Abstract and creative thinking is also often required at the table when trying to figure out what hands your opponents are holding – picking up on subtle tells and body language and factoring that information into your decision-making at the table is all a part of the game and a great and healthy mental exercise. The more you play and the better you get, the more you flex your brain as you develop more knowledge about the game and become more and more focused, confident and creative.

A lot of players like to roll their chips through their fingers while they sit at the table, and while this is a way of keeping your hands busy while your opponents bet, and maybe diverts a little attention from your face, flipping your chips has some coordination benefits – if you can roll the chips across your fingers you are training hand-eye coordination as well as your dexterity.

The Social Aspect

Whether you are in a brick-and-mortar establishment or your favourite, you are undoubtedly going to be interacting, chatting and bantering with other players – after all, interacting with your opponents to bait their tells is part of the thrill of the game. Playing poker ensures that you are connecting and interacting with like-minded people which is incredibly healthy for your state of mind. Chatting at the table works to develop social and communication skills and can be a great way to learn more about the game, but communicating and having fun with people who share an interest can lower anxiety and stress levels too. Online casinos often have thriving and friendly communities and can be a great place to explore the social side of the game, and by engaging with your opponents, you might even pick up a couple of tips and tricks.

Emotional Control

As we said before, a game of online poker can be intense and requires discipline and focus for extended periods of time. This comes into play with the emotional side of the game too, as you are likely to experience a wide range of emotions such as elation, anxiety, anger, and happiness. An incredibly important skill to train, for anyone who wants to get good at the game, is the ability to control these emotions and not let them influence your decision making or give yourself away to your opponents – you may have heard of the term poker face and this is exactly what that refers to.

Having to constantly control the waves of emotion you experience during a game is a great exercise for your brain and can help to improve emotional control overall. Those who are practiced at controlling their reactions and feelings at the table become some of the most intimidating and dominant players as their opponents are unable to confidently predict their moves – and that can often mean the difference between them calling or folding your bluff. Keep yourself cool, calm and collected and you will keep them guessing.

Strengthen Your Working Memory

A game can take a long time to play through and each individual round can take up to 15 or 20 minutes – which means that you’ll have a lot of information to process and thus requires a keen memory. In order to be a good player, you need to pay a lot of attention and remember everything that happens at the table around you. Any and all information is useful to you from the beginning to the end.

Recognising how certain people react to events and weighing your hand against the other cards on the table and the potential hands that your opponents could be holding are all cognitively demanding and taxing on your brain. A poker odds calculator is also a great way to get insight into your opponents’ hand. This gives your memory a massive workout and it will become better for it – not only that but the better you get at memorising the goings-on at the table, the better you will get at your game.

Improve Your Sleep


We’ve discussed how demanding and taxing online games can be on your mind so it should come as no surprise that after a game you might be feeling a little drained and tired. The typical game has your mind doing so much at all times – whether that’s memorising the reactions of your opponents or controlling your emotions and maintaining a stoic expression – that you are effectively getting a full-body workout on your mind.

So, when you log out and have been exerting all these different aspects of your mind, you will need to sleep in order to rest yourself and reset for the next workout. During a single session, you will likely work your brain to the point of exhaustion, and you might find that drifting off to sleep is a little easier – which has health benefits for both your body and mind.

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Possibly the greatest test of poker as a cognitive skill is its ability to reduce the effects of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. A study by Dr. Jeffrey Cummings revealed that playing can reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s by as much as 50%. Another study revealed that elderly people who play card games are able to encourage mental function and engagement, which can also help prevent the development of Alzheimer’s. On top of the cognitive exercise is the social aspect – which has been proven to also help combat neurodegeneration and the effects of aging.

Poker also helps players to get to know themselves as they are having to engage with their emotions and control how they react to certain situations. Self-control is often what sets pros and amateur players apart, as it is those who control how the game unfolds and not vice-versa.

Ready for a Workout?

If you would like to buff up your brain and gain some of these benefits yourself, why nottake a seat at one of our poker tables and start your mental workout? Playing live at Grosvenor Casinos is a truly unique experience and we’re available to you 24/7.

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Poker Face Benefits For Weight Loss
